Outage-Proof Grid-Tied Solar
Most grid-tied solar systems don’t work when SCE switches off the power.
Resiliency is out the window when that happens.
The solar array you invested tens of thousands in is just… sitting… there…
Some people use a “suicide cord” to run the house with a generator. However, this “trick” can cause hazardous back-feeding. Moreover, getting fuel delivered to run a generator during prolonged outages is not only costly. The reliance on external parties doesn't give you the energy independence and resiliency solar can provide.
So, we did a thing.
Convert grid-tied solar to off-grid solar
The concept behind this custom-built solution is simple. The appliance connects to your PV array/on-grid inverter and interfaces with your electric circuit. When SCE turns off the power, you flip a switch to bypass the on-grid system and turn the setup to off-grid mode — using the same PV array you already have.
Error-proof switching mechanism avoids accidental back-feeding.
A custom-built high-endurance battery offers extra longevity.
Trickle charger ensures the battery is ready to go whenever you need it.
Consultation personalizes the solution with the right inverter and battery capacity.