Client Success Story: Lower SCE Bills and Add Resiliency Against Outages
See how our off-grid solar solution helps this long-term Caliente resident lower SCE bills and become more resilient against power outages.
Client Success Story: Modernizing a 15-Year-Old Solar System
See how we helped this client modernize her off-grid solar equipment and batteries to add capacity and reliability to the system.
The Nuances of Designing an Off-Grid Solar Solution that Lasts
Our desert/mountain environment is unforgiving. See how we ensure our Caliente clients’ off-grid solar solutions withstand the test of time.
Client Success Story: Upgrade to Lithium Battery Without Tossing Out the Lead-Acid Ones
See how we helped a client transition from old and under-performing lead-acid batteries to modern, high-endurance lithium iron phosphate chemistry without the high cost, complexity, and wastage.
Why “Can You Repair My Solar Equipment?” May Be the Wrong Question
Yes, we can almost always repair a piece of equipment. But should you? How we answer the “to repair or to replace” question by evaluating the total cost of ownership (TCO).
Client Success Story: Lifesavers Wild Horse Rescue
A phased approach to bring a defunct off-grid solar system back to life — saving $10k in equipment and setting it up for future expansion.
Do You Have a “Phantom Drain” in Your Electrical Circuit?
If your off-grid solar system struggles to meet your power needs even if you believe you should have enough capacity, or if you’re getting eye-watering SCE bills without much to show for it… this could be the culprit.
The False Economy of Cheap Lithium Batteries
3 reasons why cheap lithium batteries cost you more in the long-run.
Lithium vs. Lead-Acid Batteries: A Dollar per kWh per Year Cost Comparison
Learn the key factors affecting the actual cost of batteries. See a. head-to-head dollar per kWh per year comparison of lead-acid vs. LFP to see which one is a better deal. (There’s a clear winner!)
A Solar Upgrade to Solve the Winter Blues
How we helped a client boost solar production to meet winter needs in just a week while setting the stage for her future plans.
Running Monster Power Tools on Off-Grid Solar? Here are the Fine Prints (and how we solve it)
To dimension an off-grid solar solution accurately, you must address your surge power requirements to get the power output you need without paying for the capacity you don’t use.
Why is My Off-Grid Inverter Beeping?
Understand what causes an off-grid solar inverter to beep. Learn how to address the alarm quickly and diagnose the issue to implement a long-term solution.
Solar Doesn’t Automatically Mean Energy Independence
Learn what energy independence means, how to avoid common illusions of energy independence, and the critical fist step to start your journey to energy independence.
High Voltage vs. Low Voltage Off-Grid Solar Solutions For Residential Use
Top 7 reasons we prefer low-voltage systems, and how we help our clients maximize the pros and minimize the cons of this approach.
The Power of Data: How a Client Doubled His Solar Production in 30 Minutes
See how we use data from the solar charge controller (SCC) app and solar trajectory chart to help a client double his solar production by making simple data-based adjustments.
Switching Your RV From Propane to Solar: Yea or Nay?
We examine the advantages of running your RV on solar and explore the top from-the-trenches tips to help you get the most out of your system.
Announcing: Cold Temperature-Tolerant Custom Battery Pack
LFP batteries are great, except they don't work well in cold weather. For off-grid solar solutions in warm rural area where temperatures may drop below freezing only a few times a year, our cold-temperature-tolerant pack lets you have your cake and eat it too.
8 Outdated Off-Grid Solar Practices To Look Out For
If your existing systems have these issues, don’t spend more on outdated measures because you’ll only multiply the inefficiencies. If someone tries to sell you a system with these telltale signs of being stuck in 1999, run the other way.
9 Off-Grid Solar Safety Measures You Can’t Afford to Ignore
Follow this 8-point checklist to ensure your off-grid solar system is set up properly to minimize the risks of fire, electric shocks, thermal runaway, etc.
Client Success Story: Small Cabin, Big Plans
We helped this client design and implement a basic solar solution for his cabin that will grow with him as he builds his ranch.